Can it be fired? That also depends on its condition.

Most I have seen sell for about $50 to $75 on the various gun auction sites. Values can range from a high of maybe $175 for a prime example to less than $10 for rusty rotten incomplete piece of junk fit only for parts salvage. The current value will depend on the guns condition, the amount of original finish remaining on the metal and wood as well as the mechanical condition. These guns were an inexpensive shotgun even when new and haven't appreciated much in value since then. This gun was made by Stevens as they used the marking MODEL 1929. Montgomery Ward Safe 9042 Value GuideĪnd was sold by the Montgomery Ward Company of Chicago,IL. Shotguns with the name DREADNAUGHT were made by either the Hopkins & Allen Arms Company of Norwich, CT or the Stevens Arms Company of Chicoppee Falls.MA.

A 'Trade Brand Name' shotgun is one that was made by a major maker (before 1940) for and was sold by a wholesaler or retailer who chose the name to go on the gun. The gun is what is commonly referred to (be me anyway) as a 'Trade Brand Name' shotgun.